RG188A/U Cables

RG188A/U Cable

RG188A/U is a high-quality coaxial cable, which corresponds to the standard MIL-C-17F. It has a characteristic impedance of 50 ohms. The usual applications for this type of cable include measurement technology, laboratory use, audio and radio applications, broadband communication and the automotive sector.

We are able to offer cable assemblies or cable connectors to suit applications using this cable type. You can see more information about cable connectors on the links below and if you have a cable assembly you would like us to manufacture, please send more details to;  sales@cambridgeelectronics.com 


Cable Type Cable Group Operating Frequency Impedance Jacket Material  / Size Dielectric Material / Size Centre Conductor Material / Size Conductor Type Shielding Outer Conductor
RG188A/U AD DC-3GHz 50 ohms PTFE / 2.6mm PTFE / 1.55mm Copper Clad Steel, Silver / 0.54mm Stranded Silver Plated Copper Braid
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