The CEI Foundation: Our Current Projects

Favour Group, Malawi
Favour group is comprised of 14 women. Ten are married and the rest are widows. They have children of their own as well as orphans who rely upon them for financial support. The women run small businesses mainly selling products such as livestock, farm produce, fish, snacks, groceries and clothes

Riverside Group, Zambia
Riverside centre is made up of 15 women based in the district of Livingstone. The majority of these women are married and have 87 children who are in school. The women run various small businesses mainly stalls selling groceries, food stuffs and clothes both new and second hand. They started the business to be self-reliant and support their families.
The businesses enable these women to meet their families’ financial needs like providing food, paying for house rentals and paying for the children’s and orphan’s schools fees etc. The group members are applying for their second loan which will be repaid in six months. The previous loan profits were used to provide food for families and other basic needs. They hope to see their businesses grow bigger and stable after they order more stock of the items they sell. These women are helped by their families to run their businesses but most of them have plans one day to employ people who will help them to manage their businesses.

Kwacha 03 Group, Zambia
The Kwacha women reside in the Lundazi District of Eastern Zambia, they are aged 35 to 47 years old. Kwacha women care for 78 children and orphans who go to school. They attended financial literacy training and received funds for their income-generating projects. They run businesses like selling groceries, poultry, and market stalls. Their desire as a team has always been to grow their businesses and reduce dependency on their husbands.

Khamalidyesta Centre Group, Zambia
Residing in the Lundazi District of Eastern Zambia, the women of the Khamalidyetsa Group have managed to grow their businesses as a result of the support they have received from our partners the Microloan Foundation. They attended financial literacy training and received funds for their income-generating projects. They run businesses like selling groceries and market stalls. They have applied for this loan to top up on their existing capitals and order more stocks for the items they sell.

Kachere Group, Malawi
Kachere is a group that comprises 29 women who run a number of businesses such as selling tomatoes, onions, livestock, beans, etc. They started operating them in order to find enough funds for supporting their families. One of the members is Miriam, who is 24 years old and married with five children. She sells vegetables in order to earn a living.

Mbendera Group, Malawi
Mbendera is a group of 35 women with different age groups and marital status. These women run a number of businesses such as selling fish, vegetables, livestock, groceries and clothes. They started their businesses in order to provide funds to support their families and send their children to school.